Author Archives for Tee-2-Green
January 16, 2025 3:10 pm
Published by Tee-2-Green
An outstanding blend of two high-performing creeping bentgrasses that shine under the harshest climates, Elite blend is ideal for greens, tees, fairways, collars, and approaches. Exhibiting high disease tolerance, as well as tolerance to sun, shade, and salt, this new blend develops deep roots, establishes fast, and quickly recovers.
December 7, 2022 2:57 pm
Published by Tee-2-Green
A proven blend of our two highest performing bentgrasses—Pure Distinction and Pure Select—Prestige premium bentgrass provides tour quality surfaces on a day-in and day-out basis, even in the harshest climates.
April 30, 2020 1:05 pm
Published by Tee-2-Green
Pure Eclipse has the finest leaf texture, a dark green color, high density, particularly in the summer and offers an aggressive grown-in. Pure Eclipse presents a premium putting surface and is also an excellent choice for tees and fairways. This variety displays great wear tolerance with excellent disease resistance to brown patch, anthracnose, dollar spot, and pink snow mold.
February 21, 2019 7:25 pm
Published by Tee-2-Green
PC2.0 is a bentgrass variety that pays homage to the past with a look into the future. PC2.0 exhibits a stunning, medium green color with a very fine leaf texture. Displaying a dense, upright, and aggressive growth habit, it also features an exceptional ability to compete against Poa annua. Suitable for greens, tees, fairways, and divot repair.
January 29, 2019 7:59 pm
Published by Tee-2-Green
PureFormance Fairway Blend combines the best traits from Pennlinks II, Pure Select and Crystal BlueLinks, which offer a broad genetic diversity and the highest resistance to disease. It germinates and establishes quickly, stands up to traffic, and recovers quickly from damage. PureFormance Fairway Blend also has excellent heat and cold tolerance and greens up early in spring for great year round color.
January 29, 2019 7:58 pm
Published by Tee-2-Green
PennTrio certified creeping bentgrass is a genetically diverse blend of PC2.0, Pure Select, and PennLinks II. PennTrio has all the strengths of a blend with ready-to-seed convenience and is a great choice for tees, fairways, and winter overseeding.
January 29, 2019 7:58 pm
Published by Tee-2-Green
Pennway is an economical blend that’s great for tees, fairways, and overseeding. It has broad genetic diversity for reliable performance and provides an excellent playing surface in various soil types. Certified Pennway is also available.
January 29, 2019 7:57 pm
Published by Tee-2-Green
Penn A-1/A-4, one of Tee-2-Green’s proven creeping bentgrass blends is no longer in production, and our inventory is now gone. However, our new A+ Blend and Prestige Premium Blend are recommended alternatives. Providing even greater adaptability to harsh weather conditions and disease pressure that typical bentgrasses cannot handle, A+ is an ideal option for year-round performance in difficult environments. Providing tour quality surfaces in the harshest climates, Prestige Premium Blend gives you super dense, up-right, and aggressive growth—whether seeding a new green or interseeding. You can count on either of these blends to meet your needs as we move forward into the next generation of world-class bentgrass products together.
January 29, 2019 7:56 pm
Published by Tee-2-Green
Crystal BlueLinks distinguishes itself from other bents with its remarkable turf quality and unique blue-green color. It’s an ideal bentgrass for greens, fairways, and tees. Crystal BlueLinks also resists brown patch and dollar spot. It tolerates hot and cold temperatures and grows extraordinarily well in shady and low- light areas.
January 29, 2019 7:56 pm
Published by Tee-2-Green
Seaside II is no longer being produced and our inventory is gone. If you are looking for a proven answer to high salt in your golf course soil and water, Pure Select is for you! It has been proven in real-world situations worldwide to germinate in elevated salts and high bi-carb soils and water. Pure Select is a game-changing solution with its fantastic disease, heat, cold, wear, and salt tolerance.