Author Archives for Tee-2-Green

Pure Select Creeping Bentgrass logo

Pure Select

January 29, 2019 7:55 pm Published by Comments Off on Pure Select

Pure Select, a bentgrass seed that includes Penncross and the groundbreaking Penn A’s & G’s, has a dense, upright and aggressive growth habit. It’s also wear-tolerant, produces less thatch and is easy to manage. Salt issues? No problem. Not only is Pure Select strong against disease, heat and cold, but it's been proven to germinate in elevated salts and high bi-carb soils and water. Because Seaside II is no longer in production, we are recommending Pure Select in its place. Pure Select is a game-changing solution with fantastic disease, heat, cold, wear and salt tolerance that gives you a quick spring green-up and outstanding turf quality year round on bentgrass greens.

Pure Distinction Creeping Bentgrass logo

Pure Distinction

January 29, 2019 7:55 pm Published by Comments Off on Pure Distinction

Pure Distinction has a distinctive, bright green color. Its dense and upright growth habit makes for true and smooth putting. It’s aggressive to recover quickly from damage. Pure Distinction also has excellent resistance to bacterial wilt, brown patch, anthracnose, Fusarium patch, leaf spot, and dollar spot.

PennLinks 2 logo

PennLinks II

January 29, 2019 7:54 pm Published by Comments Off on PennLinks II

PennLinks II has a semi-erect growth habit and good density. It displays a beautiful, dark green color and provides an excellent playing surface for greens, tees, and fairways. PennLinks ll also has good heat and drought tolerance, and resists dollar spot.

Penncross Bentgrass Logo


January 29, 2019 7:48 pm Published by Comments Off on Penncross

Penncross, Tee-2-Green’s legendary creeping bentgrass, is now out of production, and our inventory is now gone. PC2.0, however, is the next generation of this time-proven bentgrass and pays homage to the past while looking toward the future. Its dense, upright, and aggressive growth habit competes exceptionally well against Poa annua while displaying a stunning medium-green color and very fine leaf texture.

Penn A-4 logo

Penn A-4

January 29, 2019 7:47 pm Published by Comments Off on Penn A-4

Penn A-4, Tee-2-Green’s adaptable creeping bentgrass, is no longer in production, and our inventory is now gone. However, the next generation, Pure Select, boasts a rich breeding heritage that includes Penncross and the groundbreaking Penn A's & G's. With a dense, upright and aggressive growth habit, it's exceptionally strong against disease, heat, and cold. A game-changing solution, Pure Select gives you a quick spring green-up and outstanding turf quality year round on bentgrass greens.

Penn A-1 logo

Penn A-1

January 29, 2019 7:33 pm Published by Comments Off on Penn A-1

Penn A-1 is one of the finest bentgrasses ever produced. The ball rolls smooth and true when it’s Penn A-1 on the green. It has the ideal traits for putting greens, and it’s an outstanding bent for fairways and tees. Penn A-1 also tolerates heat, humidity, and cold equally well, and it stands up to high traffic and wear. While Penn A-1 is being phased out of production, it will remain available through the A+ blend.