The Legend of Lew Sharp

Our head agronomist Lew Sharp doesn’t just do one-off consulting for your course renovation, he gets to know you, setting you up for long term success. So let’s get to know a little bit about Lew, and why he’s the man for the job.

With seemingly more than a lifetime of experience in golf course architecture, maintenance and renovation, Lew Sharp is uniquely equipped to help you find solutions to the challenges golf course superintendents face.

Lew began working on golf courses when he was 10 years old, getting familiar with every aspect of golf maintenance—from dragging hoses to weed eating and everything in between. Over the years, he has grown his experience to the point where he has dozens of golf course builds and hundreds of renovations under his belt.

In his 14 years at Tee-2-Green, the leader in bentgrass, Lew has served as the worldwide agronomist and golf course consultant for golf course designers, architects and superintendents. He also advises the Tee-2-Green growers on how to produce some of the most trusted bentgrass in the world.

Lew attended Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, where he earned a B.S. in Agronomy/Ornamental Turf and Civil Engineering.  He also holds an A.S. in Architecture. He is a 28-year member of the GCSAA, as well as a member of the Golf Course Builders Association of America, National Golf Course Owners Association, and several local chapters inside the U.S., Europe, and Asia. 

Lew prides himself on building relationships and solving problems. He works day-to-day with golf course superintendents, learning their challenges and helping them find solutions together. He stays connected with everyone he’s worked with, and remembers every golf course he’s worked on, knowing that experience and relationships are the keys to success with each new challenge.

Lew looks forward to those challenges, as well as working with new people. If you want to connect with Lew to discuss your next golf course project, please reach out at  

Quick Q’s with Lew:


What’s your favorite part of a golf course to consult on (tees, fairways, greens) and why?  

Greens are always my favorite, but I love to renovate fairways too.


Are there any courses that stand out to you as big achievements for your career? Which ones?  

I have to plead the 5th on that question. I would never want to slight one of my friends.  I have become close friends with all the supers I worked with.


If you could either never three-putt again or hit every fairway, which would you choose?   

Never miss a fairway. Putting is the strongest part of my game, so if I keep it on the fairway, I am loving life.


You’re a big Disney fan… which three animated Disney characters would you want to play golf with in a foursome? 

Buzz, Woody, and Steamboat Willie (I’m a big Mickey fan).


If you were at a dinner party and someone asked what you do for a living, what would you say?  

Golf course consultant, as no one knows what an Agronomist is.


What’s your favorite beverage that keeps you going when you’re on the road?

Mountain Dew.


A Guide to Top Dressing

I was visiting a golf course the other day that had just started to top dress when a member came up to me and said, “I hate when they do this, but we have the