Crystal BlueLinks

Crystal BlueLinks creeping bentgrass had the highest turf quality, averaged across all locations, during the 2006 NTEP fairway/tee trials. It has a unique blue-green color and has shown good resistance to brown patch and dollar spot. Crystal BlueLinks has also shown good heat tolerance and performs exceptionally well in shady areas.

Tee with Golf Club Icon


Interseeding Icon


Golf Course Green with Tee Icon


Fairway Icon


Pine Brook Country Club banner
Crystal BlueLinks Fairway Video Thumbnail

Pine Brook Country Club in Weston, MA

Green Mountain National Golf Club

The Golf Club at Basin Harbor

Bob O'Link Golf Club
Highland Park, IL
Spring Lake Country Club
Quincy, IL
Springfield Golf and Country Club
Springfield, VA
Pine Brook Country Club testimonial

"Crystal BlueLinks helps maintain our tees: they repair quicker, it germinates faster and it's aggressive in its growth. Tee-2-Green has always been a reliable performer."

— Michael Iacono, Pine Brook Country Club Golf Course Superintendent

Find a Local Distributor

We are proud to work with distributors around the globe who are familiar with your local course needs to bring you quality bentgrass seed. Just click the link below to find a distributor near you.