Penn A-4

Legacy Product

Penn A-4 adaptable creeping bentgrass is dark green with a fine leaf texture. It withstands both extreme heat and cold. Its high density, disease resistance and aggressive growth habit make it ideal for creating smooth, grainless putting surfaces.

Penn A-4, Tee-2-Green’s adaptable creeping bentgrass, is no longer in production, and our inventory is now gone. However, the next generation, Pure Select, boasts a rich breeding heritage that includes Penncross and the groundbreaking Penn A’s & G’s. With a dense, upright and aggressive growth habit, it’s exceptionally strong against disease, heat, and cold. A game-changing solution, Pure Select gives you a quick spring green-up and outstanding turf quality year round on bentgrass greens.

Tee with Golf Club Icon


Fairway Icon


Golf Course Green with Tee Icon


Interseeding Icon


Penn A4 Hero Image

Highlands Country Club

Penn A4 Product Video Thumbnail of Golf Course

Hazeltine National Golf Club in Chaska, MN

Penn A4 Product Video Thumbnail

Mountain Top Golf and Lake Club

Hazeltine National Golf Club
Chaska, MN
Tiffany Greens Golf Club
Kansas City, MO
Des Moines Golf and Country Club
West Des Moines, IA
Erin Hills Golf Course

"The great thing about Penn A-4 is that it grows aggressively. You can beat it up and it comes back well."

— Zach Reineking, Erin Hills Golf Course Superintendent

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We are proud to work with distributors around the globe who are familiar with your local course needs to bring you quality bentgrass seed. Just click the link below to find a distributor near you.