
PureFormance Fairway Blend combines three top-performing bentgrass varieties (PennLinks II, Pure Select and Crystal BlueLinks) to provide a broad spectrum of disease resistance, heat and cold tolerance, quick recovery, fast establishment and unmatched performance. PureFormance Fairway Blend is perfect for new establishment, overseeding and interseeding into existing turf.

Tee with Golf Club Icon


Interseeding Icon


Fairway Icon


Golf Course Green with Tee Icon


The Club at Chatham Hills banner
PureFormance product example video of golf courses

Essex Golf & Country Club in Windsor, Ontario

PureFormance product video thumbnail examples

The Club in Chatham Hills in Westfield, IN

Nicklaus North Golf Course

Glenview Park Golf Club
Glenview, IL
The Club at Chatham Hills
Indianapolis, IN
Meadowbrook Country Club
Northville, MI
PureFormance testemonial at chatham hills

"PureFormance came in quick and full. The color is very dark and in contrast to the Pure Distinction, it gives a really good variance out there."

— David Hardesty, The Club at Chatham Hills Golf Course Superintendent

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We are proud to work with distributors around the globe who are familiar with your local course needs to bring you quality bentgrass seed. Just click the link below to find a distributor near you.